Sunday, June 15, 2008

Time to show hand, time for a decision to be made.

Now I finally finished my military service, now I do what?
I don't know. Steven Jobs said" Don't worry if you haven't found what you're looking for, just keep searching for it."
I have been staying at home ever since I got home from the barracks. Most of the time I was just watching TV and surfing the internet for career informations.
Just when I was checking out these websites: MBA programmes, language schools, blogs written by some sales representatives based in foreign countries.

I have gathered some ideas for myself, really.
I learned that It is reasonable why only students with job experiences would be admitted to better MBA programmes, cuz it is a series of education in which combines theories and strong indutrial practices as its solid background. That is to say that students without job experiences can be seen as paying the tuition fee in exchange for a piece of paper.


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